In popular culture we are told what's hot and what's not, what's in and what's out, what we should be doing and what we shouldn't be doing. Me, I'm not buying it. So much of the crapola we've been force fed into believing is gospel is completely overrated. On the other hand there has been some amazing people, places and things that have gone under the radar that deserve more credit then they've gotten. In other words they are underrated. With that in mind here is my totally random, totally opinionated, overrated vs underrated list:
Overrated- NASCAR
Underrated- UFC
Overrated- Lebron James
Underrated- Manny Pacquiao
Overrated- The Seattle grunge sound
Underrated- Early 80's power pop
Overrated- "Scarface"
Underrated- "Miller's Crossing"
Overrated- Tapas
Underrated- Soul Food
Overrated- Reality TV
Underrated- USA network original programming
Overrated- "Entourage"
Underrated- "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Overrated- James Patterson
Underrated- George Pelecanos
Overrated- "Twilight"
Underrated- "True Blood"
Overrated- Lady Gaga
Underrated- David Bowie
Overrated- Pickup Trucks
Underrated- Fuel Efficient Sub-Compacts
Overrated- St Patrick's Day, New Years Eve, Night Before Thanksgiving
Underrated- A random night in a quiet bar with your best friends
Overrated- Relationships
Underrated- Being single
Overrated- Pearl Jam
Underrated- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Overrated- The beach
Underrated- The mountains
Overrated- NYC, LA
Underrated- Philly, Chicago
Overrated- Vacationing in the Tropics
Underrated- Holidays in Ireland
Overrated- Barnes and Noble
Underrated- The library
Overrated- Windows
Underrated- Mac
Overrated- High School
Underrated- College
Overrated- Catcher in the Rye
Underrated- A Separate Peace
Overrated- The 70's
Underrated- The 80's
Overrated- WWF (World Wildlife Foundation)
Underrated- WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)
Overrated- Being single
Underrated- Relationships...hmmm,sounds familiar, yet not...
Overrated- Blogs
Underrated- THIS blog ;-)
Well, that's the list...I'm sure a lot (most) of you disagree but hey, start your own list. The way I feel is Overrated- Your opinion, Underrated- MY opinion
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